My Broken Heart Say.....

.................T.T ......................

                            adooo.....i hate u!!! i hate u!!!! i hate u!!!!

             please!!! don be my couple again!!! u oredy hurt my feeling!!! when we start be a couple..but only 1 month we been together...and u have another person in your life????
                      please!!!!u thought me a fool person??hello???!! i noe bha...but..i always be patient with u...

                     till october...i can't stand anymore!!!enough!!!i dun want to be a fool person anymore!!! its not my fault!!its ur!!i oredy try to forgive u with wat u had done to me!!! but u still dunnoe how was i feel!!....:'(

......................i don care bout u anymore!!!!  yeah!!!

my heart was really really hurt!!!....hurmmm...datz why i broke up with u...coz u such a LIAR!!!! DISLOYAL to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              dont u ever dream we build our relationship anymore!!!enough one time my heart was soo.....hurt!!!

i cant do it anymore.............................datz why..i afraid to fall in LOVE with someone again................
                                   sorry if i oredy hurt ur feeling...coz my heart feel tooo.....

